Facility Assessment-Making it your Facility GPS-ACHCA November Webinar
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 2:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST
Category: Webinars
Facility Assessment-Making it your Facility GPSNovember 20, 20242:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Eastern)NAB Approved for 1 CE ACHCA Members: Complimentary Non-Members: $30Register: www.achca.org/novwebinar24 MDS Consultants is an Ruby Partner of ACHCA. MDS Consultants makes your skilled nursing facility more proficient in MDS documentation, ICD-10 coding, Medicare regulations, PDPM and reimbursement maximization. Presented by Linda Winston and Barb BatesThe Facility Assessment is required for LTCPAC providers to complete. Facility personnel still struggle with completing and updating the assessment. The assessment needs to be reflective of the resident population, their needs, and the staff and resources needed. This requirement is not new. The session will address how to complete a Facility Assessment according to the SOM Appendix PP.
During this session, learners will be able to:
1. Understand the federal regulations and the purpose of the Facility Assessment.
2. Describe the key components of the Facility Assessment.
3. Identify team members involved in the development and revision of the assessment.
4. Develop a process to implement, utilize, and revise the Facility Assessment on a routine basis based on operation and resident population changes.
Who should attend: Administrators, Directors of Nursing Services, Nurse Managers, Nurse Assessment Coordinators, MDS Coordinators, MDS Interdisciplinary team members.
Barbara A. Bates, RN, MSN, DNS-MT, QCP-MT has 49+ years’ experience in Geriatric psychiatry and LTC nursing, holding management, and administration positions. Barbara served as a Chief of Service, Team Leader and Nurse Administrator in the psychiatric system for 25 years. Following transfer to the NYS Veterans Home, Mrs. Bates worked as a Director of Nursing Service II until retirement in 2008 with 38 years of service. Mrs. Bates has a MSN, specializing in Nursing Education, and is a master teacher for DNS-CT and QCP through AAPCN. She has spoken nationally for HIN, AAPACN, and Pioneer Network. Barbara is currently employed by MedNet Concepts as a Health Care Specialist and functions as the Team Leader for the Behavioral Healthcare review team. Mrs. Bates also works for MDS Consultants and is an Executive Trainer for the company. She is a former member of the DNS-EAP committee for AAPACN and volunteers for the NYS Surrogate Decision-Making Committee, a NY Governor-appointed position. In 2019 she was awarded the Contributor of Year Award from AAPACN. Linda Winston has a master’s degree in nursing with a focus on education and works as a nurse consultant/educator. She is a Senior Advisor and Executive Trainer with MDS Consultants, LLC. Previously she was a Healthcare Quality Management Specialist with Med-Net Compliance, LLC. Additionally, Linda holds certifications from the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing’s (AAPACN) affiliates AADNS and AANAC. She is certified as a Resident Assessment Coordinator (RAC-CT) certified and (RAC-CTA) certified advance. She is a master trainer for AAPACN’s Director of Nursing Services (DNS) and QAPI Certified Professional (QCP). As a participant in the School of Public Health (SPH)–University of Albany’s GoldSTAMP program, she has worked to improve the prevention and care of pressure ulcers across healthcare settings. Additionally, Linda worked with the SPH in a per diem role as a second nurse planner. She has experience with conducting mock surveys, mentoring, coaching, and building systems.
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